100% Original.
Only on Soul Refiner.
Only on Soul Refiner.

Soul Refiner features exclusive life-changing lessons from world renown Christian experts
Join Dr. Ted Roberts as we learn practical tools for transforming your mind and breaking the bondage of pornography.
When you sign up for Soul Refiner, you get access to our whole collection of exclusive classes
Pure Desire Ministries
+ Much more
With the accountability tracker, and the ability to share study guide activity, check-ins, and journal entries with your group. Group members are more connected than ever before.
With a Digital Pass members of your group get access to the class video a week before the group meets, prior class videos on demand, the Interactive Study Guide, accountability tools and more.
Conquer Series contains 10 episodes, each with about 30 minutes of powerful and practical teaching
That's right. If you or your small group watches the series, does the study guide work and puts in a good-faith effort, we are not allowed to keep your money if it doesn't work for you. Let us know within 7-days if that happens.