Conquer Series


Soul Refiner features exclusive life-changing lessons from world renown Christian experts


Join Dr. Ted Roberts as we learn practical tools for transforming your mind and breaking the bondage of pornography.


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Join over 2 million men in over 100 countries who are learning to live free of porn through the proven strategies and practical tools taught in the Conquer Series. Now in ten action-packed digital episodes, each containing Biblical teaching to help men walk in freedom.
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  • What starts out as a moral problem, quickly becomes a brain problem. Often, men who’ve tried to quit have failed because they don’t understand the brain.
  • Understanding the brain is so important in this battle. Men in sexual bondage go through a cycle of triggering, ritual and acting out.
  • Discover how to renew your mind and break destructive patterns.
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Dr. Ted Roberts

Pure Desire Ministries


  • Explore strongholds that keep men in bondage
  • Examine the neurochemistry of addiction
  • Discover the weapons and strategies of God
  • Investigate proven strategies to prevent relapse
  • Study practical daily techniques to remain free

+ Much more

For Individual or Small Group Study

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Real lives are being changed.

“Soul Refiner is a prayer request come true for our church! The entire platform encompasses support for all those of affected by the deleterious effects of sexual immorality in the church community.”
Lin Wells
Lin Wells
Men’s Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
“I use Soul Refiner in my counseling ministry. 90% of the men that come into my office for marital issues realizes that the root of the problem is pornography... We're truly seeing marriages restored!”
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Living Legacy International
“That freedom, I wouldn't exchange it for anything. It's what God has for me for the rest of my life.”
James Craft
James Craft
Founder, Life-Unplugged

Lesson Overview

Conquer Series contains 10 episodes, each with about 30 minutes of powerful and practical teaching

Understanding The Battlefield
35 min
Understanding the battlefield is the first key to winning the war for sexual purity. In this episode you will discover hell’s strategies against the 21st Century Church and be introduced to the four components of the noose of sexual bondage Learn the first key steps to freedom and how to stay pure.
The Mission
32 min
The key to lasting freedom is to cut the noose of bondage. We will examine further the four components to the noose and God’s strategies and weapons to freedom. Find out why trying harder doesn’t work and discover a new way of thinking.
The Battle of the Brain
33 min
Why is it that so many Christian men who love the Lord can’t stop their behavior? The entire battle for purity takes place within 8 inches of grey matter: the brain. Knowing where the battle takes place is crucial to every man’s victory. We study how sexual bondage starts out as moral issue, but quickly turns into a brain problem that keeps men hooked for life.
Renewing the Mind
25 min
We study the neurochemistry of addiction to see how men get hooked on pornography; why premarital sex is wrong; and the science of neuroplasticity: the brain’s ability to transform throughout life. The science in this lesson corroborates what Scripture says about the renewing of the mind. We also discuss the importance of accountability and discipleship, because men cannot win this battle alone.
Strongholds of the Enemy Pt 1
31 min
Sexual bondage is driven by the fact that men are dealing with a hijacked brain, which is why they will have to work hard at recalibrating and reprogramming their brain to purposefully break down the strongholds that have them chained. We will examine two major strongholds that keep men in the cycle of bondage: your arousal template, which are your sexual triggers; and your trauma profile, which are the wounded areas of your life.
Strongholds of the Enemy Pt 2
37 min
In this episode, we give you practical strategies and new information. We will further examine how to access the wound - the root of bondage - and how to put in place emergency procedures to prevent relapse.
The Soldier and His Weapons
35 min
The war for sexual purity is spiritual to the core. In this lesson, we study the weapons and strategies God has given to the believer to conquer the sexual sin in his life. We study the Armor of God in Ephesians 6, applying each piece of armor to our spiritual battle against sexual bondage.
Changing Your Legacy
37 min
Pioneering studies in epigenetics corroborate Scripture on generational curses. In this lesson, learn how you can change the genetic and spiritual legacy you’ll be passing on to your children and grandchildren. We will also examine the last two pieces of God’s armor as a continuation of the previous lesson.
The Battle Plan
30 min
At the root of sexual bondage is an intimacy disorder. We study the steps in restoring true intimacy with God and our wives. These Biblical strategies will not only help men from acting out sexually, but allow them to walk in a life of purity. Learn how to become a weapon in God’s hand and have sweet revenge against the enemy.
Finishing Strong
37 min
What matters in life is not how you start, but how you finish. This final lesson is designed to help men finish strong. Getting free from sexual bondage will be one of the hardest things a man will ever do in his life, which is why men need practical principles for the journey ahead. The strategies and principles taught in this lesson are based on Biblical principles for renewing the mind and deepening one’s relationship with Jesus Christ.

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