Legacy Series


Soul Refiner features exclusive life-changing lessons from world renown Christian experts


Legacy contains 7 lessons, each with 30-40 minutes of practical teaching to help you raise healthy kids.


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Meet your instructors.

Dr. Ted Roberts

Pure Desire Ministries

From the violent jungles of the Vietnam war to the hand to hand combat of getting free from sexual bondage, to pastoring and speaking before thousands, Dr. Roberts knows what it takes to conquer hell at close range. He brings not only a theological depth, but a clinical expertise to the battle that has resulted in tens of thousands of men getting free and finding real hope in the grace of Christ. Dr. Roberts is one of the few generals in God’s army who is relentlessly fighting the battle to restore manhood back into the Church.

Diane Roberts

Pure Desire Ministries

Diane is a Co-Founder and Clinician at Pure Desire. She has been in ministry for 30 years. She is the author of Betrayal & Beyond and co-author of Sexy Christians, Connected, and Peace Beyond the Tears.

John Bevere

Messenger International

John is an international minister and best-selling author known for his bold and uncompromising approach to God’s Word. His resources have been translated into over 110 languages, and over 40 million copies have been given away worldwide.

Lisa Bevere

Messenger International

Lisa Bevere has spent nearly three decades empowering women of all ages to find their identity and purpose. She is a New York Times bestselling author and internationally known speaker. Her previous books, which include Fight Like a Girl, Lioness Arising, Girls with Swords, Without Rival, and Adamant, are in the hands of millions worldwide. Lisa and her husband, John, are the founders of Messenger International, an organization committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform their world.

Dr. Beverly Rodgers

Rodgers Christian Counseling

Drs. Beverly and Tom have been Christian relationship counselors for the past 26 years. Bev has a PHD in Clinical Christian Counseling. as well as a Masters Degree in Marital and Family Therapy. Bev and Tom have appeared on the shows --- A Time for Hope, His Side Her Side, The American Family, and NBC Nightside, and have been featured speakers on NPR and the BBC. Together they facilitate relationship workshops for couples and singles across the globe. They have been married for 30 years and have two grown daughters.

Dr. Tom Rodgers

Rodgers Christian Counseling

Drs. Beverly and Tom have been Christian relationship counselors for the past 26 years. Tom has a PHD in Clinical Christian Counseling. as well as a Masters Degree in Human Development. Bev and Tom have appeared on the shows --- A Time for Hope, His Side Her Side, The American Family, and NBC Nightside, and have been featured speakers on NPR and the BBC. Together they facilitate relationship workshops for couples and singles across the globe. They have been married for 30 years and have two grown daughters.

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The 21st Century picture of parenting is wrong - and we need to stop following it.

Over the past few decades, a multi-billion dollar industry has been built around parenting. Thousands of books promise to show how to achieve the best outcomes - happy, smart, successful children. Yet an overwhelming number of parents find that their children are addicted to pornography, drugs, or alcohol, depressed, self-centered, and lack motivation or direction. Legacy Series was created from a biblical model to teach parents how to connect your children intimately to the Father and ensure they are walking towards God’s promises for their future.
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Dr. Karyn Purvis, Founder

Institute of Child Development

Your training intensive includes:

  • Understanding the generational magnitude of your legacy
  • Understanding the science behind generational curses
  • How to impart a godly legacy over your child's future
  • How to respond, instead of react
  • How to instill resilience
  • Understanding child brain development
  • Learning to parent with healthy boundaries
  • Strategies to help children change their hearts
  • Recognizing appropriate disciplinary tactics
  • Instruction on how to develop unshakable faith in your child.

+ Much more

With Legacy Series, Parents like you will:

Understand the brain.

Based on the latest research on brain development, Legacy Series helps you combine brain science with biblical strategies to raise Kingdom-minded kids. It’s much easier to build a healthy and capable brain when you understand it.

Empower your kids.

We’ve all heard the term “helicopter parent,” parents who hover so close to their children that you can almost hear the blades swirling around. Our job is to help them persevere through struggles, grow through disappointments, and learn from mistakes.

Instill God’s promises.

As parents, we want to develop our children’s desire to follow God, not just emphasize our desire for them to follow God. Legacy Series helps parents establish a genuine love and passion for God in their children that overflows in a love for mankind.

For Individual or Small Group Study

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Your group members can watch anywhere, anytime.

With a Digital Pass  members of your group get access to the class video a week before the group meets, prior class videos on demand, the Interactive Study Guide, accountability tools and more.

You’ve never seen a study guide like this.

The Interactive Study Guide is a powerful tool to help you apply the principles of what you’ve learned in a creative and interactive way. The Interactive Study Guide highlights the most essential points from each weekly episode and maximizes the overall lesson impact.

Real lives are being changed.

“Soul Refiner is a prayer request come true for our church! The entire platform encompasses support for all those of affected by the deleterious effects of sexual immorality in the church community.”
Lin Wells
Lin Wells
Men’s Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
“I use Soul Refiner in my counseling ministry. 90% of the men that come into my office for marital issues realizes that the root of the problem is pornography... We're truly seeing marriages restored!”
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Living Legacy International
“That freedom, I wouldn't exchange it for anything. It's what God has for me for the rest of my life.”
James Craft
James Craft
Founder, Life-Unplugged

Lesson Overview

Legacy contains 7 episodes, each with about 30 minutes of powerful and practical teaching

Rewriting Your Legacy
25 min
John and Lisa Bevere reveal the dynamic force behind your legacy, the fruitful impact or devastating loss it has the power to manifest in generations. This episode will challenge you to dig deep into your own family origins to identify the strongholds of sin, brokenness, unforgiveness, and hurt. It will equip you with the tools to begin to heal what is broken and fortify your legacy for future generations.
Breaking the Curse - Part 1
25 min
Your past doesn’t have to determine your future. Drs. Beverly and Tom Rodgers present the scientific and spiritual truth on how your genetic code can be rewritten, regardless of your upbringing. These powerful insights will help guide you to creating a loving and safe environment that fosters healthy relationships and strong legacies.
Breaking the Curse - Part 2
25 min
Soul wounds don’t need to define you but they can help refine you! Part 2 of Breaking the Curse details how fear will root itself in the “curses” that are passed down from generation to generation. This compelling episode dives deep into identifying those fears and utilizing the right weapons to slay that beast once and for all.
Building Bonds of Love
25 min
This inspiring episode with Dr. Ted and Diane Roberts deliver the beauty of God’s design of parenting and how it echoes the very character of Christ and His love that never forsakes us. Learn how the limbic system responds to stress and how we can disarm the fight, flight or freeze mode in our children.
Training Up a Child
25 min
Balancing discipline and grace can be challenging. Drs. Tom and Beverly Rodgers present the most efficient means to discipline with grace and create an environment that nurtures and grows your child in meaningful ways. You’ll learn effective ways to stop unhealthy learned parenting techniques and instead apply practical methods that build deeper relationships.
Connection, Understanding, Healing
25 min
Every family has storms. How can we navigate them? We must understand the difference between discipline and punishment. Rules without relationship equals rebellion. We must listen and connect with our children. In this episode, Bev and Tom Rodgers teach you to restore connecting with your kids. You will learn to balance justice and mercy, forgiveness and grace.
Leading your child to Christ
25 min
The key to connecting your child to Christ lies in them understanding their identity. John and Lisa Bevere illustrate the critical components you need to build a legacy in your child that honors God, grows discernment, is sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and equips them to prevail against peer pressure and the tactics of the enemy.

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