Battle Scars


Soul Refiner features exclusive life-changing lessons from world renown Christian experts


Join Dr. Doug Weiss as he reveals powerful tools to restore your marriage and rebuild a life of sustained sexual integrity.


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Identify and Heal the Invisible Wounds
Trauma is real. To find complete healing, we have to face and process our scars. As warriors, God has designed us with the ability to retrain and reprogram our minds and healing the invisible wounds is key to this process. This module is designed to help you identify the remaining wounds, old patterns, and damaging beliefs that continue to keep you from experiencing healing in your innermost being. In the weeks ahead, you will discover how God can reframe your woundedness and experience His victory in the places of your deepest scars.
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Reframe your Scars

  • Identify and permanently heal from invisible wounds, old patterns, and damaging beliefs.
  • Reframe your woundedness and find victory in your deepest scars.
  • Recognize different types of abuse and neglect, and uncover lies embedded in battle scars.
  • Establish real, permanent worth founded on Jesus and deal with areas of self-worth tied to things other than Christ.
  • Equip yourself with powerful tools to dismantle lies and replace them with God's truth.
  • Learn how to maintain a healthy sexual life and set up good boundaries to create a future free of bondage.
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Find Victory Over Trauma

Trauma is real. And it leaves scars, both visible and invisible. You probably know that all too well. Maybe you've been struggling for years, trying to overcome the old patterns and damaging beliefs that keep you from healing your innermost wounds. Or maybe you've been trying to hide your battle scars, hoping that no one will notice the pain you carry inside.

In Battle Scars, you'll walk through the process of identifying and healing your invisible wounds, with Dr. Weiss as your guide. You'll learn how to retrain your brain to become destiny-conscious, how to replace lies with God's truth, and how to experience God's healing power in the places of your deepest scars. You'll also discover practical tools to help you maintain healthy boundaries and reclaim your sexuality, and gain a deeper understanding of your true worth as a child of God.

For Individual or Small Group Study

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The Interactive Study Guide is a powerful tool to help you apply the principles of what you've learned in a creative and interactive way. The Interactive Study Guide highlights the most essential points from each weekly episode and maximizes the overall lesson impact.

Real lives are being changed.

“Soul Refiner is a prayer request come true for our church! The entire platform encompasses support for all those of affected by the deleterious effects of sexual immorality in the church community.”
Lin Wells
Lin Wells
Men’s Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
“I use Soul Refiner in my counseling ministry. 90% of the men that come into my office for marital issues realizes that the root of the problem is pornography... We're truly seeing marriages restored!”
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Living Legacy International
“That freedom, I wouldn't exchange it for anything. It's what God has for me for the rest of my life.”
James Craft
James Craft
Founder, Life-Unplugged

Lesson Overview

Battle Scars contains 4 episodes, each with about 30 minutes of powerful and practical teaching

War on Your Worth
25 min
We were created to be warriors, but we often fail to recognize the unprocessed wounds that continue to sabotage and impede our growth. Dr. Weiss will introduce you to the different types of abuse and neglect and show you how to identify and permanently heal from your invisible wounds. Your battle scars no longer have to be indelible insignias of shame, but symbols of victory: the place where Christ won the war on your worth.
Decoding the Messages of Lies
22 min
This week, we’re going deeper. Once you identify your wounds, the next step is to uncover the lies that the enemy embedded in your battle scars. In this episode, you’ll learn to recognize the lies that continue to skew the narrative of your life. You’ll also learn powerful tools to dismantle those lies and replace them with God’s truth.
Worthy was Won
18 min
By which standard do you measure your worth? In his episode, Dr. Weiss will show you the difference between self-esteem and God esteem. You’ll be equipped to deal with those areas of your self-worth that have been tied to things other than Christ. The goal is to establish real, permanent worth - a worth that’s founded on Jesus.
Sexual Healing
20 min
Your sexuality is an important part of your life, but because of the choices that we made in the past, many of us continue to have shame, guilt, and condemnation surrounding our sexuality. This week, you’ll learn powerful tools to clean up your sexual past; follow disciplines; and set up good boundaries so you can maintain a healthy sexual life that will create a future free of bondage.

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