100% Original.
Only on Soul Refiner.
Only on Soul Refiner.

Soul Refiner features exclusive life-changing lessons from world renown Christian experts
Join Dr. Doug Weiss as he reveals powerful tools to restore your marriage and rebuild a life of sustained sexual integrity.
When you sign up for Soul Refiner, you get access to our whole collection of exclusive classes
Rebuilding Ground Zero is not a quick fix or a band-aid solution, but rather a deep dive into your emotional fitness and how it impacts your relationship with your wife. Led by Dr. Doug Weiss, a seasoned therapist and counselor, this course will provide you with the building blocks needed to transform your marriage and become the warrior husband that your wife deserves.
You will be challenged to rewire your focus from ‘Me’ to ‘We’ and learn emotional literacy to maturely handle your and your wife's emotions. You will learn about the power of vulnerability, humility, and empathy, as well as how to minister to your wife's needs intentionally. With the principles and disciplines provided in this course, you can develop emotional resilience and manage your emotions to become the risen knight your wife has been praying for.
With the accountability tracker, and the ability to share study guide activity, check-ins, and journal entries with your group. Group members are more connected than ever before.
With a Digital Pass members of your group get access to the class video a week before the group meets, prior class videos on demand, the Interactive Study Guide, accountability tools and more.
Rebuilding Ground Zero contains 5 episodes, each with about 30 minutes of powerful and practical teaching
That's right. If you or your small group watches the series, does the study guide work and puts in a good-faith effort, we are not allowed to keep your money if it doesn't work for you. Let us know within 7-days if that happens.