The Warrior Identity


Soul Refiner features exclusive life-changing lessons from world renown Christian experts


Join Dr. Doug Weiss as he reveals powerful tools to restore your marriage and rebuild a life of sustained sexual integrity.


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Your Identity Determines Your Destiny
This is no longer boot camp. This is war. Identity is foundational because your identity determines your destiny. Sexual sin was Satan’s masterplan to destroy the identity of Christ in you. As a free man, this is the first area in your Warpath that must be restored. We will cover this in-depth in this first module.
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Transform your Identity
& Become A Warrior

  • Grasp your identity as a warrior and unlock your unique warrior DNA.
  • Write out your story and release unprocessed pain and anger to leave the burden of the past behind you.
  • Understand betrayal trauma, disclosure, and empathy 101 to rebuild your wife's trust.
  • Reclaim your spiritual authority and move from being disease-conscious to becoming destiny-conscious.
  • Establish your duty of discipline, create a dreamscape for your destiny, and declare war as a son of the Most High.
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Redefine Your Story

The Warrior Identity is for those who are tired of living in defeat and want to take control of their lives. It's for those who are ready to go to war with the enemy and fight for their true identity in Christ.

Dr. Weiss will take you on a deep dive into the heart of what it means to be a warrior. He will provide you with the tools and resources you need to overcome your past traumas, reclaim your spiritual authority, and establish your duty of discipline. You will learn how to rewrite your story, rebuild your relationships, and step into your God-given destiny with confidence and purpose. This series is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are willing to do the hard work to achieve lasting transformation.

For Individual or Small Group Study

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The Interactive Study Guide is a powerful tool to help you apply the principles of what you've learned in a creative and interactive way. The Interactive Study Guide highlights the most essential points from each weekly episode and maximizes the overall lesson impact.

Real lives are being changed.

“Soul Refiner is a prayer request come true for our church! The entire platform encompasses support for all those of affected by the deleterious effects of sexual immorality in the church community.”
Lin Wells
Lin Wells
Men’s Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
“I use Soul Refiner in my counseling ministry. 90% of the men that come into my office for marital issues realizes that the root of the problem is pornography... We're truly seeing marriages restored!”
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Living Legacy International
“That freedom, I wouldn't exchange it for anything. It's what God has for me for the rest of my life.”
James Craft
James Craft
Founder, Life-Unplugged

Lesson Overview

The Warrior Identity contains 4 episodes, each with about 30 minutes of powerful and practical teaching

The DNA of a Warrior
25 min
In the Bible, God separates fighting men from civilians. In this new season, you've been drafted to war.It's crucial that you grasp your identity. The warrior DNA is unique and it's imperative for you to understand and unlock it.Dr.Weiss will gear you up for the battle with his powerful teaching on the hero DNA and will introduce you to the disciplines and principles that every warrior must follow.
A Warrior's Roadmap
18 min
Understanding your story in full is like having a roadmap that gives you direction and an overview of the battle that took place. In this episode, you will discover how trauma doesn't just get stored in your brain, but in your body also.Dr.Weiss will help you write out your story and teach you practical ways to release unprocessed pain and anger so you can leave the burden of the past behind you once and for all - at the Cross.
Reclaiming Eve
27 min
There were many casualties in this war. If you're married, the one who suffered the most was, most likely, your wife.Many men will find themselves struggling to rebuild their wives' trust. Dr. Weiss will introduce you to betrayal trauma, disclosure, and empathy 101 and help you understand how you can come alongside your wife and reclaim her wounded heart.
The DNA of Destiny
17 min
If the enemy can seduce you, he can reduce you. Your spiritual authority is based on your sexual integrity. In this episode, Dr. Weiss will teach you how to reclaim your spiritual authority and help you move from being disease-conscious to becoming destiny-conscious. He will give you the keys to continue living an exposed life which is crucial to your warpath.
A Royal Mandate
21 min
Do you understand that you're a son of the Most High? The King of kings? This lesson lays out your royal mandate.You will learn to establish your duty of discipline, the importance of having a target and creating a dreamscape for your destiny.In this episode, Dr.Weiss will teach you to declare war and prepare you for the next level in your warpath where the journey will get more challenging, but rewarding.

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